Miles Points Reselling

Staples Banned Me From Buying Apple Products

Well, the day final came.  I assumed it would come eventually but I had hoped it would not have been so soon.  Staples banned me from buying Apple products.  I had hoped by only buying one or two at a time I would be able to fly under the radar.  I guess once you get up to about 16 you start to draw some attention.  That doesn’t seem like a lot to me.  I’m sure there are some of you out there who have ordered a lot more than that.  Although in hind sight I still wasn’t discreet enough, here is my phone call.

CSR:  Hi, we cancelled your order because you are a reseller.

Me:  Why do you think I resell?

CSR: For money?

Me: No, what makes you think I am a reseller?

CSR:  I looked at your blog.

Me: You did? Which one? The Portland travel one?

CSR:  Yes, but you are just banned from Apple products we have a contract with them that does not allow us to sell to resellers.

Me:  Ok, thanks.

In hindsight, perhaps, I should not have been using an email address on my account that ends with  So, I’m a bit dumb. They probably would have caught me sooner or later regardless. Fortunately, I have another account with a different email address.  I am contemplating reordering on the different account.  I am a bit reluctant though because I don’t want to risk an outright ban.  Has anyone else been banned by Staples?  Have you gotten around it?

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