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Find Out What Kind of Airfares and Destinations Are Being Searched for in Real Time


I often use Kayak to find mileage runs and low cost airfare destinations. Recently, Kayak redesigned their user interface for Kayak Explore (formerly Kayak Buzz). When I was putting in my home airport (LAX) to find out low cost destinations from LAX, I noticed there was a Spy button.

I was curious on what the Spy button was for and it was definitely post-April Fool’s Day, so I clicked it. What happened next shocked me. Kayak was actually letting customers find out in real time what people are searching for in terms of destinations sorted by time (usually less than 1 minute for popular airports). I quickly found out people were searching for airfares to Seoul, Bogota, Manila, New York, Newark, and Boise from LAX.

Try it yourself on Kayak Explore, put in your home airport, and click on the Spy button.

It’s a pretty nifty tool and try putting in different airport locations for fun. You might find a gem or two while browsing!


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