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Are CitiBikes a Pain in the Ass in New York City?


Last month, Citi launched a bike sharing program throughout New York City. The plan was the get New Yorkers in the bikes as an alternative mode of transportation.

So far, it has gotten a lot of bad press and even spin class is being taught for homeless people on CitiBikes.

Filmmaker Casey Neistat takes a CitiBike out for a test as he compares their comfort, speed, and cost as opposed to taking a taxi and his personal bike.

Bonus Video:

Casey Neistat often parks his personal bike outside his office, but it was recently stolen due to rampant bike theft. In addition, he was annoyed at the lack of available bike racks so he bought his own and installed it in front of his office.

In case you’re wondering, I am a big fan of his because of his awesome frequent flyer video – Free Upgrades, Everytime – “I Always Fly First, But I Only Buy Coach”


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