Running For Status

Weekly Running Update: Jan 19th, 2014

Weekly Running Update: Jan 19th, 2014

This week was definitely a busy week for me so this post is a bit late. Monday-Friday morning, I was driving on UberX so I had to re-arrange my running schedule around it. For the most part, I ran at night, which caused a few issues for my 12 mile run.

Last week:

I ran 12 miles Monday night, with 6 miles Tuesday-Thursday. I took a rest day Friday so I can rest for my long run Saturday and also to drive on Lyft/Uber.

I got home around 7:30pm Monday night and prepared for my run. I was procrastinating a bit so I didn’t get out of the house until 9pm and I knew it was going to take me about 2 hours. This run was a bit redeeming for last weeks bad 15 mile run. I ran at a good pace and finished strong.

I also did a 18 mile run Saturday. It was an awful day outside so I ran inside. It was raining heavily and it turned into wet snow, making snow puddles everywhere. I ran most of my miles inside. Luckily it wasn’t so boring and kept entertained for the 16 miles I ran on a treadmill. When I got home, I felt pretty sick, despite feeling ok during my entire run.

I ran 5.5 miles Sunday. I wanted to run 6 but just felt too sick to finish the last half mile. I ran most of it indoors on a treadmill as I felt sick to begin with.

Training program:

I got sick sometime Thursday and it got worst after my 18 mile run Saturday. I am taking a rest day Monday and hope to run again tonight. With the snow coming in, that may not be likely. I’ll take the time to recover in order to get my 20 mile run in over the weekend in sunny LA on my mileage run. It looks like awesome weather in LA this weekend in the mid 70s.

This should be enough to build a base and finish the HK marathon. Hopefully in mid March when I get back from Antarctica I can start mixing in some speed and hill workouts to get a new PR sometime in the fall.

I’m not following a set schedule as I have a few mileage run on the weekends. I’m going to keep my long runs either Friday night or Thursday night and then having shorter runs on the weekends. I’ll slowly shift my schedule for the HK marathon, which is a Sunday.

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