
An Airline First

After 36 hours of travel I was very tired and just wanted to get to my final destination. I boarded my US Airways flight to Charlotte and waited for the doors to close. Just then I heard a ding and an announcement being made. “If there’s a passenger with the last name of X on board, please ring your call button.” They were paging me. You know exactly what went through my mind, oh sh*&. I rang the call button and a man in a uniform made his way to my seat (1a, he didn’t have far to go.) He had a piece of paper in his hand and I soon realized this was a list of baggage. Oh no. What he said next left me absolutely stunned. He said, “you bag ending with 37 was put on an earlier flight, so when you get to Charlotte, don’t wait for it at the carousel, go straight to the baggage office.”

What? Was this a joke? Was a baggage handler., from US Airways actually onboard the airplane telling me my bags were already there waiting for me? This has to be delirium, 36 hours of travel has finally gotten to me. I asked the guy sitting next to me if I was dreaming or did that really happen. He shook his head and said yep, that really happened.

I guess there’s a first for everything! In all my years of traveling I’ve never seen a baggage handler board an airplane to tell someone, especially me, that their bag was already at their destination and not to wait around. I wish I had one of my above and beyond certificates that I could have given to that man!

Has this ever happened to you?


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