
Hot Air Balloon? Sorry, You Can’t Bring That On-board

We all know that there are some things we can’t bring on board an airplane. What are the most common restricted items on airlines?  Explosives, fireworks, gasoline, etc…  But what else is limited?  I recently discovered some countries and some airlines have some very unusual restrictions.  Reading through the restriction list during online check-in with Air China can give you quite a laugh and before you can check-in, you must acknowledge that you’re read and agree not to bring on-board any of the restricted items.

On a flight from Hong Kong to Bangkok on Royal Jordanian Airlines I discovered that you can travel with sports equipment like bicycles, surfboards, windsurfs, skis (pair) or snowboards however, surfboards cannot be transported with skis and/or snowboards.  Okay.

That wasn’t the only interesting thing I noticed while making that booking. There were too booking classes available. Business Luxury and “Brand Name Not Yet Defined”. That’s an interesting fare class, never heard of that one before.

On my flight home from Bangkok to Beijing and onto NYC I discovered some….let’s call them….unique items that Air China restricts.  Hot Air Balloon? Sorry, you can’t bring that on-board. Vaccines? Sorry, that’s not allowed either.  Just purchased a new refrigerator? You’ll have to find another way to get it home. Trying to have a baby? Those frozen embryos won’t be allowed either.  Below are some of the restricted items from the Air China list. Some make total sense, others….hmmmm I wonder what they were thinking that day. For example, “show, motion picture” are restricted? I bet you didn’t know that.

Have you ever come across any restricted items that are unique or interesting?

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