Thankfully The Angries Won’t Be Able To Fly With Knives

Today the TSA announced, and it has been heavily reported, that they will drop efforts to allow small knives on-board aircraft in carry-on luggage. The reversal came after lobby groups representing flight attendants, airlines, pilots and relatives of terror victims expressed their opposition.

In a statement from Jon Adler, president of the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association, which represents air marshals, he commended the decision. Saying the agency needs to devote resources to training officers to detect contraband, and Congress needs to provide funding for it.

Very Good Points interviewed “Anonymous” who said “thankfully the angries won’t be able to fly with knives keeping rational frequent flyers safe.”

I know I’ll sleep more soundly knowing the TSA has reversed their decision.

2 Comments on "Thankfully The Angries Won’t Be Able To Fly With Knives"

  1. I don’t tgink that the TSA’s war on pocket knives has made anyone safer. The fact that 4 planes were used as weapons 12 years ago has made us all more observant/willing to act and therefore, safer.

  2. sorry, don’t agree. this is a poor decision. the TSA folks need to be looking for items (bombs) that will bring down an airplane, not looking for small knives.

    in the EU small knives are permitted and there are billions of passengers who have flown with ZERO incidents.

    very poor decision.

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