

part of the 30 Days of Indie Travel Project

if we’re talking buildings and physical locations, sure, i’ve made temporary homes in hotels, 10-bed hostel rooms, and on people’s couches, but i define my real home as anywhere that meets all of the following conditions:

so while recently this has meant The Place My Mortgage Payments Go Toward, it most definitely doesn’t have to be.

spiritual homes, though? i have too many of those to count. every time i make a deep connection to a certain place, whether it be a person, place or thing, a little mental home gets built in my psyche. 

it can be something as simple as a parisian community vegetable garden i stumbled upon at dusk…

…or sitting watching angkor wat at dawn…

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t33oAtWldSE?rel=0&hd=1]

…or watching my favorite german band playing their final farewell concert…

…wherever my heart gets full, there is my home. 

see all my #indie30 posts

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