
Peeping at United PQDs

update oopsie-daisies, looks like this got too popular; no longer viewable 🙁

ever since United announced a minimum spend requirement to make elite status, i’ve been curious to know what my Premier Qualifying Dollars (definition on that page i just linked to) for this year was. thanks to @WanderngAramean (who saw it in the source code of the account overview page), here it is, and it’s not pretty:

only $3,728. like i mentioned in an earlier post, i am not quite sure what to do next year in terms of qualification. while i’ve tried to focus more on PQD-qualifying flights for 2014, i am now doubtful that i’ll even make the $5,000 level for gold.

clearly i’m not one of the high value flyers they want to keep (i’ll be the first to admit that), but i thought i spent at least $5,000 PQD on them…

p.s. get your sneak peak (until they change the page or make it public). there’s probably an easier method, but if you’re looking at the My Account Page, in chrome (maybe others), put this in the address bar and hit enter:

javascript:ctl00_ContentInfo_AccountSummary_pnlProgress.style.display=’block’;return false;

note that when you paste, make sure it starts out with “javascript:”

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