
Instawalk: An Abandoned Textile Factory in Vilnius

h/t The Protocity for letting me know there’s an abandoned place ripe for exploration right in my own backyard!

located in Užupis, the former Vilija textile factory is my first true international urban exploration. yay! it looks like not even four years ago there was a lot more to be seen, but today it’s just a shell of its former self. don’t get me wrong, though, i loved every moment of it. it’s been way too long since i’ve truly explored something abandoned. according to the Google translation of that blog post, the company started in 1950 and went out of business in 2004. i saw some order forms for sweatshirts and even a side of a box that had the logo of DC Shoes, though i can’t be certain this was related to the company’s business.

beware, visitors, of the glass. lots and lots of broken glass all over the place, and stairs are missing handrails.

and yes, I LOVE THIS GAME too. (though all i leave are footprints, and take only photographs, as the saying goes.)

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