
Nepal Earthquake: Part 4 — Some Things I Learned and Final Words

in four parts:

since i tried to live tweet my weekend, i’m going to expand on those and fill in some of the blanks. my heart goes out to the country of Nepal and its people — this tragedy affected them in ways i cannot even imagine. i’m one of the fortunate ones.

some thoughts

last night as i laid in bed, exhausted, i started crying. and i couldn’t stop. i can’t put my finger on exactly why, but i guess it was that i could finally decompress and process what was going on. i cried and cried, finally i fell asleep.

when i woke up, i discovered my shoulders and neck were really sore — as the day progressed, my entire body has started to ache. i don’t know if i’m getting sick or if it’s just the adrenaline wearing off. maybe both? (i also seem to have contracted a case of Delhi belly, but oh well!)

i’m definitely still processing everything going on — when i was there in Kathmandu, it was moment-by-moment thinking. what was i going to do next. would i sleep? would i eat? no time for emotion. and now that i’ve been extracted from the situation, so many thoughts are running through my head. there’s definitely some mild PTSD, i think, and for sure survivor guilt. why was i crying? i didn’t deserve the right to cry. i have a bed and real food and am going home. so many others have lost loved ones, don’t have a sheltered place to sleep, don’t have anything to eat. i have a job still, i will continue to have income. i don’t have to rebuild. i have infrastructure that works. i have reliable forms of communication.

it will take me a while. i’ve stopped crying, at least, so i think that’s a good sign?

some things i learned about being in a situation like this

stream of consciousness:

OOPS forgot to mention:

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