About Me

Ok, so I have to admit that a part of me really wants to do this MMS interview style, but I won’t…

I’ve been collecting miles and points for 5 years now.  5 years ago we had our first son and my wife decided to be a stay at home mom.  That put a damper on the travel budget but being the industrious dude that I am I wasn’t going to let that slow me down.  I still remember the epiphany I had back then when I signed up for my first Alaska Airlines credit card.  Did some googling and bam flyertalk in my face!  Since then I have not looked back.  Miles and points are the only reason we can still afford to travel.

I sort of view myself as your average miles and points hobbyist.  This is not going to be another blog about me jet setting all over the world.  I have a full time job that keeps me busy about 11 hours a day.  I also have kids in school and a new baby coming in May.  In an ideal year we will travel 2 to 3 times.  Our goal is a weekend away for my wife and I sans kids, our annual family trip to Hawaii, and an international trip every other year.  Some years we accomplish this goal, other years life gets in the way.

With the explosion of miles and points blogs there is an image in this hobby that unless you are flying to far off places every week you are failing to keep up with the joneses. I suppose this is my attempt to show you what an average miles and points collector with a family and a full time job looks like.

Also this blog is about reselling.  I got into reselling in July of 2015.  It is something that I had been thinking about for some time but was nervous to try.  In July I dipped my toes in the reselling waters and was surprised by how smooth that experience went.  Since then I’m selling 1 to 2 items per month and have profited $1,055.  I am not an expert at reselling.  The point of this blog is to show others my experience and let people learn with me and while you are learning with me you can earn some cash and miles.

I hope you enjoy the blog, please subscribe to my newsletter and also follow me on twitter.

By the way if you are a miles and points enthusiast and not on twitter, join.  A lot of deals break on twitter first.