Where’s Waldo (aka Me) at the Nena Concert

on saturday i went to the middle of nowhere germany to attend a free Nena (of 99 Red Balloons fame) concert.

[googlemaps https://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=L%C3%BCbz,+Germany&aq=0&oq=l%C3%BCbz&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=42.03917,107.138672&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=L%C3%BCbz,+Mecklenburg-Vorpommern,+Germany&t=m&ll=53.46189,12.041016&spn=9.165035,28.125&z=5&iwloc=A&output=embed&w=640&h=350]

i’ve always wanted to see her live and can finally say i did. she is SO CUTE AND ADORABLE IN PERSON and it’s great to hear songs i obsessed over so many years ago (she did great versions of Fragezeichen and Nur Geträumt, and of course 99 Luftballons). the thing is, you’d think i’d be easy to pick out in the audience (since i’m pretty sure i was  the only non-caucasian person there), but even after looking through the official news report footage (video in german) and the official pictures, i can’t be certain. i’ve highlighted where i think i am in the video, but none of the angles are right and the resolution is pretty low. alas.

to compare, here is some video i shot. you can clearly see the man with the green cap in front of me.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtTUQ5N88_k?rel=0]

well, even if there is no official proof, i was indeed there and so glad the rain stayed away after a crazy downpour before the concert started and a brief moment during the opening acts.

2 Comments on "Where’s Waldo (aka Me) at the Nena Concert"

  1. 99 Red Balloons, shining in the summer sky! Oh, I used to love that song too! Brings back grade 8 memories for me… Did she ever have another hit? I can’t remember! Did she look good?

    • yes i LOOOVVE that song! she has definitely had other hits, but mostly in germany. she had a comeback album maybe 5-6 years ago which did really well. and yes, she was SUPER cute. loved it!

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