1800 Comments = $1800 To Hurricane Sandy Relief Efforts

Having been out of the country since September 15th, I was unaware that a hurricane was threatening the Eastern seaboard until I started getting emails from friends asking if I was going to be impacted. Luckily, Charleston only saw rain from the storm but millions of others in the Tri-state area were not so lucky. I have tons of friends and family in New York who have been impacted in some way or another from Hurricane Sandy. I was in Thailand when the storm hit and anxiously awaited news on everyone’s safety. As devastating as the storm has been, all of my friends and family are safe but many of them now face the task of rebuilding what they’ve lost.

The TV coverage & discussion among locals in Thailand gave a very interesting perspective. CNN International had almost 24/7 coverage for the first 48 hours after the storm and covered the story extensively thereafter. Sky News and BBC also had quite extensive coverage. I was working with a Thai client and had interactions with many locals during the week and all of them drew comparisons between the Tsunami and this disaster. There are so many lessons that can be learned from how the people of Thailand dealt with the aftermath of the Tsunami. While I am glad that I had the opportunity to see things from another perspective, watching a disaster unfold from ½ way around the world left me feeling pretty helpless. The recovery isn’t going to be easy or quick and there are hundreds of thousands of people who need help.

Several BoardingArea bloggers have joined forces and will donate $1 toward the Hurricane Sandy relief effort for each comment on our Hurricane Sandy posts (like this one), up to a combined $1,800.   Leave a comment on this post stating which charity you think I should make a donation to, or just leave any comment at all, and it will raise $1 toward the hurricane relief efforts (one comment per person, please).  I will donate to the charity that gets the most comments. Then head to the similar posts at

and comment on their posts as well.  The deadline to get your comment counted is 11:59PM Eastern on Thursday November 8th (so we can get the donations out by the end of the week).  Thanks so much for taking the time to participate and supporting our efforts to help those who need it.

The victims of Hurricane Sandy have a long road ahead and together we can help make a difference. Thank you for your support!

72 Comments on "1800 Comments = $1800 To Hurricane Sandy Relief Efforts"

  1. The Red Cross. What a great idea!

  2. I go to school in the Atlantic City area which was affected by the hurricane and I have family in Northern NJ. Fortunately, my family is okay and there was no property damage.

    I plan on volunteering in the Atlantic City area at a rescue mission.

  3. Goodonya! American Red Cross

  4. American Red Cross! People need lots of different supplies (food, blankets, shelter, water, etc.) and the Red Cross has the bandwidth to cover multiple areas in need. Thanks for your generosity!

  5. It is very nice of the boarding area bloggers to come together in this time of need.

  6. Very happy to support this effort

  7. I vote Convoy of Hope. They’ve got a great Charity Navigator rating.

  8. Red Cross

  9. Awesome! Happy to help.

  10. Everyone donates to the Red Cross. donate to the Salvation Army.

  11. Way to go Boarding Area bloggers!
    Vote for Red Cross

  12. dealswelike | November 6, 2012 at 7:49 am |

    Another dollar raised!!

  13. Good job!

  14. ARC seems to be helping out a lot..Thanks for your donations!

  15. Humane Society

  16. From a Hoboken NJ resident who thankfully sustained just a little damage and just got power back Saturday, thanks for what you’re doing to support my neighbors and everyone else affected by the storm.

  17. Great idea! Red Cross gets my vote

  18. What a great idea. Anything you donate to is great.

  19. I vote for Red Cross.

  20. mommypoints | November 6, 2012 at 9:48 am |

    I like spreading the love around to different charities!

  21. Everybody let’s do what we can to help!

  22. Salvation Army is a great place to donate to.

  23. Fantastic idea and Red Cross gets my vote

  24. Salvation Army!

  25. Great idea. Thanks for doing this.

  26. Red Cross

  27. I would donate to American Red Cross.

  28. I would also say salvation army. Kahtie Lee and Hoda said they are the best on their show today.

  29. Anywhere you donate to is great. Thanks!

  30. The Red Cross

  31. I love this! Thank you for helping others.
    I would donate to Humane Society cause animals need help too and everyone forgets about them.

  32. Salvation Army

  33. You guys are great!

  34. I can’t decide for you, but I’ll up the count 🙂

  35. Thanks for doing this. And don’t forget Haiti. they got Sandied, too. I am donating to CARE.

  36. One more for support!

  37. My friends were affected by the storm. Thank you for doing this. I donated to the Red Cross.

  38. Great thing for the Boarding Area bloggers to do!

  39. Humane society. … Help those puppies

  40. Thanks!

  41. I am visiting kids in S Jersey with the Air Force.

  42. Thank you for supporting the recovery effort!

  43. American Red Cross

  44. You go girl.

  45. Donate to whichever group needs it most.

  46. Good work, all.

  47. Thanks for donating!

  48. You are fabulous!

  49. Indeed, indeed, very well done indeed.

  50. This is great! Thanks for donating!

  51. Right on! Great idea!

  52. Thanks for your generosity

  53. Red Cross

  54. Wanderluster101 | November 8, 2012 at 5:22 pm |

    Thanks for the donations! I love how the frequent flier community pulls together to give back.

  55. Red Cross — great on you guys!

  56. Any comment at all!

  57. I think the charity you choose to donate to is an individual choice. I like local charities & those who ensure that a very high percentage of the money donated goes directly to the cause. Thanks for your efforts!

  58. Here’s mine!

  59. Great idea, thank you!

  60. I donated to the Red Cross.

  61. Great idea by all of you, keep up the good work!

  62. Mr. Deals in law | November 8, 2012 at 8:27 pm |

    Thank you for doing this

  63. Abhishek Duggal | November 8, 2012 at 8:51 pm |

    American Red Cross Disaster Relief!

  64. This is a great idea! I’ve donated money and wish I could do more to help in person.

  65. great!

  66. I trust the Red Cross

  67. Never knew a simple comment could help out like this 🙂

  68. Good luck with the fundraising efforts!

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