
Do You Buy Products You’ve Tried In Airline Amenity Kits?

If you’ve flown in premium economy, business class or first class on an international flight you probably remember getting an amenity kit that contained some socks, eye shade, ear plugs and a few other goodies.   I love amenity kits,…

United’s Frequent Flyer Program Changes Help JetBlue!

I can’t count the number of emails and Facebook messages I’ve received about the changes to the United’s Frequent Flyer Program.   Everyone seems so distraught about the changes, but let’s be realistic, the changes only impact a small number of travelers….

Air on the Side of Humanity With JetBlue

Today,  JetBlue launched a quirky new marketing campaign, ‘Air on the Side of Humanity,’ to remind customers there is a better way to fly.  The campaign documents the plight and perspective of the most overlooked fliers of all – pigeons. JetBlue says…

Airline and Airport News From Around The World

As I scan different websites, magazines and newspapers I find some interesting tid-bits about travel.  Several Airlines and Airports had interesting news to share over the last few weeks.  In case you missed it…. Pittsburgh International Airport is installing two…

Most Bizarre Statement Of The Week: @OneMileAtATime “JetBlue Even More Space on par with the 1st class…”

“JetBlue already offers “Even More Space” seating, which I’d say is almost on par with the first class products offered by many airlines domestically” I read a lot of blogs. Some I read regularly, other I read when a headline…

Thankfully The Angries Won’t Be Able To Fly With Knives

Today the TSA announced, and it has been heavily reported, that they will drop efforts to allow small knives on-board aircraft in carry-on luggage. The reversal came after lobby groups representing flight attendants, airlines, pilots and relatives of terror victims…