
Starwood HQ moves to Dubai and Westin’s on a Tangent

Nope, it’s not April Fools Day, yet…but you read that right. Starwood has moved many of their corporate executives from Connecticut to Dubai for 1 month.  Starwood president & CEO Frits van Paasschen and the company’s top executives will conduct…

Multiple Travel Personalities: The Entitled Traveler

Yesterday I blogged about multiple travel personalities. It was pointed out that I left one personality type out.  I can’t believe I forgot this travel type. Alas, I didn’t find a smurf to represent this travel type. The Entitled Traveler…

Introducing Ask Stacey from VeryGoodPoints – go ahead, ask away

I’d like to introduce a new feature to VeryGoodPoints called “Ask Stacey”.  Every day I get emails, comments and questions from friends, family, readers, etc…about travel destinations, hotels, this blog, etc… this section will answer your burning questions.  Ask away!…

The Chicago Seminars – why you can’t miss this event

Have you made plans to attend the Chicago Seminars yet?  This is a one-of-a-kind event because it’s the only all volunteer event put on by members of the community for the members of the community. All excess proceeds after covering expenses are…